This recipe is the perfect way to add some extra flavor to your dinner. Combine this recipe with your favorite vegetables and a serving of whole-grains...
These hearty kale salads hold up well for 4 days, making them perfect for meal-prep lunches. To keep the ingredients from getting soggy, dress this salad...
Imagine the flavors of garlic bread, but used in a sauce, and you have this garlic-butter baked chicken. Microwaving the dried herbs with butter and garlic...
Herb-coated roasted chicken is served with a bounty of roasted vegetables and beans in this Mediterranean-inspired main dish. Serve with a slice of crusty...
This Greek-inspired chicken and vegetable sheet-pan meal is bursting with flavor. The chicken is coated in a mayonnaise and bread crumb mixture, roasted...
This one-pan dinner combines savory Parmesan cheese and panko-coated chicken breast with asparagus and potatoes tossed with spices to create an easy meal...
In this healthy chicken recipe, the meat is rubbed with ancho chile powder, a spice made from dried poblano peppers. It adds mild heat and subtle smokiness...
Upgrade your work lunch with these tasty Caesar salad lettuce cups. This Caesar salad recipe gets a healthy makeover, thanks to homemade dressing made...
Upgrade pizza night with this recipe makeover that combines two all-time favorites--pizza and chicken Parm--into one quick and easy pizza (no dipping and...
Make this satisfying salad in the evening and enjoy one portion for dinner, then pack the remaining portion for lunch the next day. Loaded with protein-...
Marinating chicken in a buttermilk mixture before coating in whole-wheat breadcrumbs gives it an extra boost of flavor in this diabetic-friendly dinner...